Wednesday 9 January 2013

Cognitive Interaction Set To Re-write The UX Textbooks

I recently read about IBM's latest "5 in 5" predictions, released in December, which describes a veritable tsunami-like wave of cognitive systems on the horizon, set to change the shape of UX and momentum towards this appears to be building rather rapidly. And it's all based around the development of natural and intuitive interactions with each of the human senses and sensory controls.

Consider Microsoft's hugely successful gestural controller, Kinect, Leap Motion's Minority Report-like motion software/controller, set to release late 2013 for around $70 USD, and Google's wearable glass displays, currently being trialled by employees out in the 'real world'. These are only a few of the powerful and generally affordable products coming into the market that can potentially change the world of day to day computer interaction.

IMB refer to it as "a new era of computing where machines will be more connected to human senses, thus enabling technology to improve everyday life by acting as a sense enhancement tool."  Intel are busily developing "Perceptual Computing" which can become more 'context aware'. Computational sensors and devices that will give naturally human and intelligent interaction are being developed to attach to each of the human senses.

So, for today's thought leading UX community to stay ahead, investigation and a foray into new interactive modes that will create 'contextual value' could soon be a must.